Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Physics Of Our Science Classes - 1763 Words

In the 21st, in our science classes, we are taught to believe that our world is actually made up of particles as the smallest constituents of matter. We are told that particles behave like waves because it makes no sense to teach that a particle moves faster than the speed of light, that particles can cause interference with one another, among other ridiculous things that we just never imagine a particle to do. What we are not told is that we never had to think about the smallest elements of matter, also known as, quanta, as particles. Instead, we can describe quanta as being excitations of fields, i.e., waves. There is no supporting evidence that a wave can behave like a particle, the evidence only points to experiments evaluating the data using wrong techniques, and assuming that a particle was in the place of a wave. I. Introduction â€Å"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.† - Einstein Every day, thousands of people go to class and learn. If you visited a class taught before Albert Einstein s Theory of Special Relativity was popular, your professor might have taught you that there was some magical ether that explained away Newton s classical equations of motion. But as years went on, Einstein s idea caught on and now we are taught that there is no ether -- we proved it through thorough experiments. Unfortunately for those who don t want to give up the current equivalent of a magical ether, wave/particleShow MoreRelatedPi And The Real World995 Words   |  4 Pages â€Æ' Abstract Pi has a rich history and numerous applications to go along with it. Pi is used in mathematics, science and engineering. Pi has been traced back to over 1600 BC in Egypt, and today it is celebrated world – wide. Students from elementary school through college know of pi and its multiple applications. 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